Next time we will park closer or wear warmer clothes!
We ending up parking a the Casino and it was at least a half mile in the freezing cold to get to the SubTropolis entrance. Luckily, we ran into some friends who held onto our car keys and then chauffeured us to our car. It felt much colder out after the run. (Just a t-shirt & shorts @ 15 degrees!)
I felt a little disoriented at first because there were so many people packed towards the start line and I could not discern which direction we would run. It took a good 30-40 seconds before we crossed the start line and then the first mile was really packed. It was my first race, so I was not used to the obstacle course of people that I had to run around. We were just over 11 minutes at the one mile-marker and that surprised me because I felt like we were running much slower. At the two mile marker, we were under 21 minutes. After the 2nd mile, I had to walk briefly twice due to breathing difficulties. I was wondering what the measure of carbon dioxide in the air was! I crossed the finish line in under 33 minutes, so I'm thinking my time may have been around 32 minutes. I did not see what the clock said when I crossed the start line.
It was a great first race-run--though I wasn't really racing. I'm glad that my husband and I stayed together...he probably would have gone a lot faster without me! Running as a team is different because the area wasn't very wide and it was a little hard at times to get around people. It made me wonder if there should be some kind of race etiquette...if you're slow, keep right...pass on the left. But maybe then, it is first come first serve and we started in the middle.
I did like that we were numbers 4 & 5. Our friend that we ran into was something like 2256! It was her first race as well and she finished in under 30 minutes. Way to go Carrie!
Now that I've completed my first 5K, I think I'll keep running. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and my body has responded well to the training. My knees have stopped hurting after runs and I look more forward to getting to the gym because I have a goal, a common goal that I share with a partner.